Dear First Family,
I hope that you will be with us in worship this weekend. Today, I want to highlight several opportunities we have alongside our regular worship services.
First, this weekend kicks off our Colors for Cancer focus.
We will have our God is Big Enough wristbands in our Atrium in the many colors that represent particular forms of cancer. You’re invited to take as many wristbands as you would like to share with others. If you do not know the story of our God is Big Enough wristbands, or if you would like to order some in bulk, visit our website here.
This weekend, we will be highlighting the relaunch of our Celebrate Recovery ministry!
We believe that everybody is recovering from something, and for 13 years, we have been invested in recovery ministry. All are invited this Thursday, October 12th, as we relaunch our weekly Celebrate Recovery ministry starting at 6:30 pm.
A member of our staff will be available at our Ministry Corner to answer any questions you may have about Celebrate Recovery and the many support groups we offer. You can also visit our website for more information.
Lastly, our second pumpkin delivery will be this Sunday at 12:30 pm.
All the funds raised from our annual pumpkin patch go right back into our community through the work our students do with United Mission Week in the summer.
There will be over 2000 pumpkins delivered in all different sizes and our student ministry would love your help unloading these pumpkins on Sunday!
For more information about our Pumpkin Patch, you can email us at students@fmcm.org or visit our website.
I look forward to seeing you this weekend!
I love you and I am proud of you,
Pastor David
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