Dear First Family,
I know it sounds like an obvious thing for the pastor to say, but I want to encourage you to be part of one of our worship services this Sunday either in-person or online. Our current series, Breaking Ground, is focused on the work of preparing our hearts and minds to break ground on a new life and a new church for a new world. We are centering ourselves in this call to action from the prophet Hosea,
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.”
Let me tell you why this weekend is so important.
I’ve noted already that breaking ground on a new church for a new world actually has nothing to do with the physical space in which we gather. We are talking about the church as the community in which people are being formed, shaped and matured as disciples of Jesus who love God, love others and serve the world.
This Sunday we’ll look at some of the primary challenges that the church faces in the new world in which we are now living. We will also be sharing several specific steps we’ll be taking this spring as we break ground on a new church together.
I believe our participation in worship together is of primary importance every time we gather. The Christian life is a shared experience, but fulfilling the mission of the church is also a shared commitment. Effectively making disciples requires knowing what barriers we might face, what steps we might take.
Perhaps above all that, it requires each of us to lean in and take ownership of this sacred task of working towards the vision of God’s kingdom coming here on earth as it is heaven.
I look forward to locking arms with you this Sunday as we look towards becoming a new church for a new world.
Pastor David
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