Dear First Family,
If you attend our 11am Traditional worship service, our Worship Director, Scott Ferrell, always welcomes everyone by saying something like,
“We are here to worship together, to sing together, to pray together, and –
he is always gracious to add – hear a great message from one of our
pastors together.”
One particular thing I love about his welcome is the repetition of the word, ‘together.’ So much of my understanding of the nature and mission of the church is captured in that single word.
I love being together as we gather each weekend for worship or throughout the week.
More significantly, I have a deep appreciation for the way the Holy Spirit has bound us together as a family to reach the world for Christ together, to grow with one another, to celebrate with one another, to grieve with one another, and to share every circumstance that might fall between.
This weekend we’ll look deeper at this calling we have to serve and bless one another in our focus on John 13:1-7.
If you would like to read that passage in advance, you will find that here.
Today I also want to invite you to two special gatherings coming up in the next week.
First, at 2pm this Sunday afternoon in our sanctuary, Dr. Kimberly Cantu, the Superintendent of the Mansfield ISD, will be with us for an information session regarding the upcoming bond election on May 4th.
All are invited to attend so feel free to bring any friends, family or neighbors who may want to learn more. I hope we have a great crowd as an expression of our commitment to serve and bless our community as well as our appreciation for the desire of our School District leadership to engage the faith community in Mansfield.
Secondly, next Thursday, May 2nd, is the National Day of Prayer.
We will be joining with churches throughout our community to mark that day in several days. First, we will be gathering at Market Street from 10:30am – 11am to pray with anyone who would like to receive that blessing. Churches throughout our community will fill slots throughout the day to offer prayer at Market and Walmart from 10am – 4pm.
That evening at 7pm there will be two community wide gatherings at both Methodist Mansfield and Texas Health Hospitals. We will be blessed by music from two of our area High School Choirs. We’ll have a short presentation and prayer time at each location before doing a prayer walk around the hospital.
I look forward to being with you this weekend!
Pastor David
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