Dear First Family,
I hope you have a safe and meaningful July 4th holiday and whether you are in person or online, you will be a part of one of our worship services this weekend. We will be continuing our summer long journey through the book of Ephesians and focusing on one of my favorite passages in this first century letter from the Apostle Paul.
In chapter 3, verses 14-21, Paul shares the second prayer he wants the community at Ephesus to know he is praying on their behalf. It’s a prayer that he is praying for each of them personally and for their community as a whole. It’s a prayer we have used in worship to pray for one another as well as one we have invited our church to pray over our confirmands during their time of learning and preparation each spring.
It’s Paul’s prayer for you and Paul’s prayer for me. It’s my prayer for you, the prayer we pray over one another, and a prayer for us to pray for our entire church.
It’s an audacious and bold prayer that expresses the ambitious vision and dream that Paul contends that Christ has for his Church.
Can you tell I am looking forward to sharing this prayer with you this weekend?
Let me lift up two additional opportunities I want you to know about today.
This Sunday at 2pm in our Sanctuary we will be hosting a patriotic concert featuring the Texas All Star Youth Jazz Orchestra. We are grateful this 20-piece big band of top musicians from the DFW area will be here this Sunday to help us celebrate this July 4th weekend!
Finally, United Mission Week is just around the corner! This is a special week when our Junior High and High School students as well as our Included Special Needs Participants will be serving all over our community. If you are looking for a way to support the work of these students, we are in need of people to help pick up and drop off vans as well as some adults to come and spend the night with our high schoolers. For more information, email students@fmcm.org.
I look forward to being with you this weekend!
Pastor David
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