Dear First Family,
I want to thank you all again for an incredible Holy Week and Easter weekend. None of what we were able to share in the last week happens without the work of hundreds of volunteers, and I want you to know how grateful I am for all the ways you invested your time, energy, and prayers in sharing the good news of the resurrection with our community.
In preparation for this coming weekend, I want to remind you that we will be returning to our journey through the Gospel of John. We will be looking at the encounter Jesus has with a Samaritan woman at the place known as “Jacob’s well” which is recorded at the beginning of the fourth chapter of John’s Gospel. I want to encourage you to take just a few minutes to read John’s account of this encounter prior to worship this weekend.
You will find that in John 4, verses 1-26.
This coming Monday we will also be resuming our reading through John’s Gospel in First 15, our daily devotional guide. Remember that you can find those readings and reflections at www.dailyfirst15.org. If you do not already receive those via email each day, you can also sign up for that on that website.
I hope you were richly blessed by our Holy Week and Easter services as well as any time you were able to spend with your families. This weekend we continue our celebration that our lives have been forever changed by the empty tomb.
I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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