
FFP&K 2024-2025 Calendar of Events



2 – Labor Day Holiday
3 & 4 – First Day of School
9  & 10 – Music and Chapel Begins


7 & 8 – Fall Pictures
8 & 9 – Room Mom Meetings/Serving @ 1st Class
14 – MISD Holiday – No School 
15 & 16 – Teacher Appreciation Lunch 
23 & 24 – Pumpkin Patch Visit


4 & 5 – No School – MISD Holiday
11 – 14 – Parent/Teacher Conference Week and Book Fair
20 & 21 – Thanksgiving Feast Days
25 – 28 – Thanksgiving Break


5 – Christmas Program and Milk & Cookie Party 6:00 pm
16 & 17 – Class Christmas Parties
18 & 19 – Pajama Days
20 – January 7 – Christmas Break


8 – Students Return to School
20 – MISD Holiday – No school
21 – Kindergarten Information Night 6:00 pm
27 – 30 – Registration for Currently Enrolled Students


3 – Registration for Siblings of Currently Enrolled Students
4 – Registration for FMCM Church Members
10 – Open Registration (online through end of month)
12 & 13 – Teddy Bear Picnics
17 – Presidents’ Day Holiday – No School
18 & 19 – Teacher Appreciation Lunch!


3 – 6 – Spring/Graduation Pictures
17 – 20 – Spring Break – No School


14 & 15 – Palm Parades
16 & 17 – Easter Parties
21 – Church Holiday – No School
22 & 23 – Teacher Appreciation Lunch!
28 – May 1 – Parent/Teacher Conference Week  


5 & 6 – Last Chapel Days
7 & 8 – Parent Appreciation Breakfast 
10 – Graduation for Fours and Kindergarten 
12 & 13 – Rose Park Field Trip (Fours and Kinder)  & Kona Ice (all classes)
14 & 15 – Last Days of School/Splash Days