August 9, 2024

Reset and Re-engage with us

by David Alexander

Dear First Family, 
One of the things I’ve noticed is that when our family returns from some time away, it takes us a while to return to our normal routine. Some of that is what I know we all experience. There is laundry to be done and things have to be put away. I’m always treated by a stack of mail to look through. Bills have to be paid. There’s a pile that heads straight to the recycling bin. 
All of that can take a couple of days, but it’s really more than that. My wife and I had been going to the gym consistently for months, but we have been sporadic the past few weeks. Our daughter had her tonsils removed this past Monday so her recovery has been a big focus these past few days. 
It’s easy to get knocked out of our rhythm. We are, of course, prone to wander and sometimes it takes more time than we think to find our way back to where we need to be. 
That’s one of the reasons why a season of transition can be so helpful. August is one of those months each year. It’s an opportunity for us to hit the reset button, to re-engage, to settle ourselves back into the rhythm of life that leads us toward the life Jesus has promised us – a life that is abundant and full. 
That’s why we gather each week. It is the shared goal that unites us one to another. We desire to mature and grow. We want to invite others into a life with Jesus. We want to see the promise of Jesus fulfilled in our lives, in our families, in our community, in our world. 
All that’s to say… I hope to see you this weekend in worship. If it’s been a while, that’s just fine. There’s always room at our family table and God always greets us with joy when we gather to glorify Him. 
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
If you don’t already have plans to stop by Building C and take part in the Adult Discipleship Fall Preview I want to encourage you to do so anytime between 10:30 and 12:30. It is a great opportunity to see all we are offering this fall as far as studies and classes.

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