August 2, 2024

You prepare a table before me…

by David Alexander

Dear First Family, 
August is here which means that school is right around the corner. I know many of our educators returned to their classrooms this past week with others set to do so in the coming days. 
Before you read any further, would you pause for just a moment to pray for God to bless and encourage these incredible servants? 
August means that we are also preparing for a big fall kickoff. As “vacation season” draws to a close, we always see an increase in participation in our weekend services which we greatly appreciate. Perhaps you may have gotten out of your normal rhythm after being away. If so, let me encourage you to be a part of worship this weekend. 
I have greatly appreciated the slow journey we have taken through Psalm 23. As our pastors were preparing for this summer, we did find ourselves wondering whether there was “enough meat on the bone” for us to spend such an extended period of time with these familiar words of faith.
For me personally, it’s been a rich and meaningful season. I’ve learned a great deal in my own preparation, hearing messages from our other pastors and participating in the First 15 devotional resource written by Pastor Jan. 
I’m especially looking forward to this weekend because we’re looking at a piece of Psalm 23 that I’ve actually always found a bit confusing. 
       “You prepare a table before me…” 
That part makes sense… God cares for us, prepares a feast of blessings for us… 
       “In the presence of my enemies…”
Huh? Couldn’t God pick a better spot to prepare this wonderful table?! 
Maybe I’m the only one who has wondered why David expresses himself in this particular way, but I know all our pastors are looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned and how this imagery applies to the relationship God seeks to develop with each of us and helps form in us a Sabbath Heart! 
I pray that you have found comfort and peace in the Shepherd’s care this week. 
We will see you this weekend! 
Pastor David

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