If you need more information about any of these events or opportunities, feel free to email us here or text us at 817-477-6498 and a member of our staff will connect with you.
Starting now – December 8th
This Christmas, help us add a cheerful look to the Sanctuary and Chapel by ordering a poinsettia! The flowers may be purchased in honor or in memory of a loved one. The proceeds will to towards our benevolent fund. The poinsettias may be taken home after your Christmas Eve Candlelight Services. Online orders may be placed now here or at Ministry Corner starting this weekend. Email care@fmcm.org if you have any questions.
November 16th • 8:00 AM • Building D
All are invited to help the residents of Mansfield with minor home repairs and projects! This opportunity is open to all ages as together we become the Hands of Christ to those who need it the most. Please take a moment and let us know you are coming by filling out this quick form.
December 1st • 4:00 – 6:00 PM • Sanctuary
This exciting event is for families of all ages to have fun together while learning biblical truth. During this two-hour free event, we will sing together, participate in fun activities, and have a fun-themed snack. We will begin this biblical adventure in the Sanctuary for a fun-filled family worship with lots of music, dance, and playful message, then we will finish the journey in the Gym for message-driven activities and snacks. We hope to see you there! Don’t forget to invite all your friends with preschool and elementary-age kids and wear your favorite Christmas Pajamas! We want everyone to EXPERIENCE THE FUN!
January 12 – April 27, 2025 • 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Registration is now open!
Grow through faith-based principles integrated into practical experiences with peers and mentors. The goals of Capstone are to PREPARE Seniors for life as Christ followers after high school. CONNECT students with God and with their peers. SERVE those within our ministry, congregation and community and LEAD through different avenues of Students Ministries and First Methodist Mansfield. We accomplish these goals by combining deep Christ-centered discussions with hands-on activities that help develop important life skills. Students will participate in ten sessions, along with a service project and a retreat. You can register Here.
Registration is now open!
Confirmation is a time of spiritual growth in which 6th grade students (and older) explore the foundations of the Christian faith with their peers and mentors. Throughout their confirmation journey, students will begin to see what faith means to them and what it means to be a confirmed member of First Methodist Mansfield. Confirmation meets for 10 seasons during the spring semester (starting on February 2nd) and concludes with a retreat at Glen Lake Camp (May 2-3) and a Confirmation Service (May 4). At the Confirmation Service, students affirm their response to God’s grace and proclaim faith in Christ and their baptismal covenant. Registration is now open! For more information on our Confirmation 2025 and to register, visit this link.

Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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