The First 15

Wednesday November 30, 2022

by Thomas Mitchell

Today is Wednesday, November 30 and we are continuing our journey through the Advent season together.

Scripture Reading

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:8-9


Yesterday, we read of the Garden and the creation of the first humans as God breathed life into the dust. Humanity was invited to inhabit and care for Eden in coordination, cooperation, and community with Him. This was our purpose. But, we know the rest of the story. We know of the choice that was made that cut humanity off from the source. We were cut off from our purpose. We were lost–our hearts disoriented and disrupted. Our hymns echo our reality–that we are “prone to wander.” Lord, we feel it! But, God asks a simple question to those who are lost: “where are you?”

In the Advent of Jesus, we find the response to God’s question. In Jesus’ birth, we see the beginnings of the return to life and purpose for all humanity. Jesus is our way, our truth, and our life. In his life, death, and resurrection, we find the way back to the Father. We are no longer lost.

Are there times you’ve found yourself wandering from your purpose and from true, abundant life this past year? What was it that reoriented you? A friend? A family member? How has God used others to draw you back to life in Christ?

Closing Prayer

Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life. You found me when I was lost and restored my place and my purpose. Thank you! I confess that I don’t know the way without You. Give me ears to hear your compassionate question: “where are you?” Give me courage to trust Jesus as my way home to you and to full life. Amen.

Songs of the Season

Listen and sing along with us to songs that will shape our Advent season. Today we will sing “Come Thou Fount” which you can find here.

First 15 through the season of Advent is adapted from Roots: Advent and the Family Story of Jesus available through Seedbed. If you or your small group are interested in using this resource for your Advent study, you can find more information here or send an email to

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