Dear First Family,
Yesterday morning we hosted the monthly gathering of pastors in our community. We meet at a different church each month beginning with a time of sharing and praying for one another. It’s unfortunate, but accurate to say that a gathering of this kind is rare in other cities. The relationships shared among pastors in this community is something I deeply treasure about serving here.
We ended that time in our sanctuary with that entire community praying and laying hands on Pastor Julian in advance of his ordination on October 29th at 2pm. Each of them have been invited and – as you’ve probably already heard me say – we want to pack the house for this historic occasion for our church and significant moment in Pastor Julian’s calling into full-time ordained ministry in Christ’s holy church.
If you’ve not already added Pastor Julian’s ordination service on October 29th to your calendar, I hope you will do that right now.
As we prepare to gather this weekend, there are two additional things I want to highlight for you.
Our Colors for Cancer emphasis will continue this weekend. In our Atrium, we will have available our God is Big Enough bracelets in the various colors that represent different types of cancer. All are invited to pick one of those up but if you or a loved one is going through cancer treatment right now, I want to especially encourage you to do so.
To learn more about the history behind these wristbands or if you would like to make a bulk order to share, you will find that here on our website.
Finally, our Family Worship Experience will be this Sunday from 4-6pm in our Chapel. If you’ve never attended, FWX is a special time for parents and their preschool and elementary-aged children to worship together in a fun and interactive way. After worship, there will also be a time in the gym for a hands-on car building and racing activity that will reinforce for the kids the message they heard in worship.
If you’ve got some little ones at home, I hope you will join us this Sunday afternoon and if you’ve been wanting to connect another family to our church, this is a great opportunity to share that invitation.
I look forward to being with you this weekend as we continue in our fall season focused on our Life Together!
I love you and I am proud of you,
Pastor David
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