May 17, 2024

A people of “one book”

by David Alexander

Dear First Family, 
John Wesley, the 18th-century founder of Methodism, once wrote, 

“I want to know one thing — the way to heaven; how to land safely on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach the way: for this very end he came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book. O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be a man of one book.” 

As the school year comes to a close, we have two special celebrations this weekend that represent our ongoing commitment to raising up another generation who will be “a people of one book.” 
First, in all our worship services, we will be presenting Bibles to our current 2nd graders. If you have a 2nd grader (or a 3rd – 4th grader who has not already received a Bible from us), we invite you to join us in worship this weekend as we celebrate this special time with your child. If you have a chance please fill out this quick form to let us know which service you plan on attending.
Sunday evening we will be celebrating our graduating Seniors. We will be having a special dinner for those students and their families before we gather at 7pm in our sanctuary for a time of worship and prayer for each of these graduates. As we did just a few weeks ago with our 6th-grade confirmands, we will invite each Senior to come to the altar, to be surrounded by our pastors and their families as we pray a prayer of blessing and present them with another Bible as they move into this next phase of their life.
In the middle of all of these expressions of our commitment to the mission we share, we will mirror to our younger generations the importance of this “one book”. I hope you join us as we gather in worship to sing together, pray together, and open up this “one book” and continue our journey through the Gospel of John. 
I hope to see you this weekend! 
Pastor David

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